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There are four civil virtues: the regulation of lust in relation to the false ego, the regulation of the economy in relation to the material elements, the regulation of belief in relation to one's private life and the regulation of labor in relation to ones favorite type of association. These virtues add up to the fields of action defining the quality and the quantity of one's existence.


As a young adult, but also later, you fight the being attached with regulation in regard of the order of time; the desire, the lust, the sexual attachment is gradually overcome by regulation. In the voluntary acceptance of frustration of the lust, a mind of penance is needed as said.


The desire for money is settled by economy. The society taxes the moneymaker and forces him to act responsibly with the means of exchange. Money and responsibility, means and end, must be linked. Money is a burden, a responsibility which, as also Jesus confirmed, can be a serious hindrance on your way to heaven. So this is regulated. On the dole you may not possess more than so much, with a private business you may not evade taxes and with a salary you must be careful not to have a mortgage to high. So material needs and desires are neatly taken care of thus.


Also the religion is there to link you up and remind you of the scriptural truth that you tend to forget about in your material life. Stay focussed is the message in the early stages of emancipation. Also dedicating one's labor to the cause of transcendence is an important directive.


The profit-minded ego can oppose the spiritual mind, and therefore there is the uniting in working for a good cause as a volunteer. At least part of one's time should be reserved for it, just to keep the gate to heaven open and stay motivated for the joy of life shared with all creatures. But that liberation also involves the consciously countering of the time-system of making money and having conflicts in political opposition.

The civil virtues thus seen, of the regulation of the lust, the money, the religion and the liberation, only work progressively if the authentic order is remembered. Religion offers the culture of remembrance, liberation offers the original order of nature and our humanity as an a option of choice that must be served if one also, or even entirely, wants to pull one's weight in society in a selfless sense. Not doing so you will be a victim of the modern neurosis with all its psychological symptoms of a low self-esteem, uncontrolled emotions, anxieties and what not. In general it is good to remember that the hindrances of culture (sex, money, forgetting and ego), of nature (the modes, the climate, calamities) and of your own lack of discipline (your disbelief, your psychology) must be overcome.

The regulation of them in relation to time and the fields of action

The regulation in time of the civil virtues takes, in association with the regulative principles, place in the B, P,C and S- fields of action.

Free Enterprise

1) B (of business - artha ). The economy is settled in the business field covering a quarter of your life: six hours of work for six days a week practically making for a thirty-six hour workweek of which we have 48 a year (see also dialogue three and four). The b-days extra indicated on the lunar calendar are there to contrast the S- day of your club-life. At these B-days you get together for discussing practical matters in the business sphere or, being on your own, doing other practical studies of some kind (see Full Calendar of Order).

The private interest

2) P (of private - dharma). The religiosity is next as an individual daily duty there to warrant the quality of your personal life covered in the private field in which one:
a - cares for oneself for six hours actively during the day,
b - cares for one's own nature and body sleeping for six hours each day and one
c - cares for doing one's personal meditations set apart from the association of the club, the church, the mosque or temple.
The religiosity consists of the talent to retrieve your original nature and sense of duty. Nature and natural time is the form of God you worship in the private sphere. Most people meditate on the t.v. to have a heart for the stories of the world and be committed to what's going on. Not much ego is involved, one meditates on the universal form of the Lord so to speak in the form of His diversity in the world, with in the back of one's mind the silent hope that the sweet person of God will manifest His two-armed normal form before you again in being a friend in the battle of life. One is liberated, finds one's devotion, in the next discussed S-field of one's favorite club, but one finds enlightenment in the private sphere where one takes responsibility for oneself and distances oneself from the world. This can only be done stability under the control of a clock running to the sun. Without it will the karma timesystem sucked in by the t.v. and political railroad-clock will seize you by a soap-series e.g. or a movie watched too late. The t.v. is a means of communication with many advantages, but can also, as said before, be the cyclops, the monster, that locks you up in the house - like Ulysses was in the cave - in false oneness , of estrangement, loneliness and illusion. So you may live this private interest for six days a week tops, but the seventh day you must respect the C-field of the social cakra-days.
Married people must take care of at least one quality time evening to spend with the family and bachelors must at least once a week spend an evening with a friend, relative or other intimate at home or, being without, at least close the t.v. down for one day to find time for him/herself in an inner association with the help of a good book e.g. These are the P-days on the cakra calendar that never coincide with the C-days of going downtown. The cakra-calendar is de calendar that shows the order of the moon as projected on the solar calendar. Also at the fifteenth cakra-day you must hearten this field but then without the materially endeavoring of doing your job. This is an extra day of study and fasting in the private sphere on which you with your schedules leap back to the dynamics of the universe. Not doing so will your life's tempo with 52 in stead of 48 weeks in a year be too high relative to the lunar order.

Free association

3) C (of Cakra - kâma ). Following are the holidays not saved up to a 'thirteenth month' of four weeks to lie on a foreign beach at the end of the year you worked. This department of the lust for a natural, unregulated existence free from the cultural dictates is settled at the seventh and fourteenth day of the cakra calendar. They are more or less set to the order we had with the abolished ancient roman, julian calendar with its signal days of a solar Ides, Kalends and Nones. The cakra days or holidays spread through the year are there for the regulation of your lusts. You walk the dog so to speak down town an let it sniff its way around naturally. This builds and maintains your community sense and thus you make friends at the social cakra days.

Spiritual Association

4) S (of spiritual - moksha ). The liberation is finally settled by the lunar calendar on the signal days of the astronomical lunar phases that contrast and never coincide with the specific B-days thereof. At these spiritual and/or sportive S-days in the club-field one studies the fixations. In the form of books and songs, but also in the form of concepts of association like your favorite game of sport, you respects the rituals of the fixed routines you perform to exercise the respect with; the respect needed to return to the concept of the ether as was fixed by the rules of the game, the holy book or another fixation like e.g. a fixed route for strolling. Thus you are liberated from all materialistic concerns, since you at these days do not try to add to, change or seek it elsewhere. But correcting errors you may always. These are your factual sundays of not working for the money or another result. You only care for getting together then to remember how it all should be in dharma, the original duty to the nature of the soul, in the in moksha being liberated from the karma, the load, the cross you carry in the business field.

In short we say: business and club life balances the virtue of the financial and liberation interests to the moon; and the private and social life balances the being virtuous with the religious and lusty interests to the sun. The cakra fifteenth-days and the two-monthly leap days are there to fast and study and your normal days of work must be balanced in being up for others and yourself for twelve hours with equally resting and meditating for the other half of the day. Not being this systematic, and failing to be of respect for the regulative principles, you will be devoured by the cyclops, the one-eyed monster of the commercial t.v.-time of the karmic system that disqualifies you as a selfrealizer. Do understand that this schedule is but a general directive; if you want to avoid other participants in this must you plan everything a day later e.g., but if you want to meet everyone of it and with it, as also everyone on another frequency, then is this the way.

  • From the vedic reference they are known as the purushârtas consisting of artha, dharma, kâma, moksha.

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