Eng /


The seventh or fourteenth day of a fifteenday fortnight period that makes up one half month to either the sun or the moon. With the sunday as part of the unit of measurement that is the week, is there, with the week as part of the next unit of measurement the month, no way around the intersection of days to keep the division of time valid relative to the objective point of departure for the measurements. The month as part of the year required a century that is part of a millennium that is part of an aeon of millenia that lead back to the beginning of creation. The issue here is whether we have an unequivocal division of time in strictly defined units of measurement. In a serious discussion about the order of time we thus cannot leave it with the statement that a week consists of seven days; one also has to explain how the week relates to the month and be clear on when we speak of a first day of the week, only then does one know when it is a sunday, a sabbath or a friday, taken purely linear from the beginning of time.

See also:


  • The Full Calendar of Order: an overview of the filognostic division of time with the sunday as the seventh and forteenth day, and the addition of a leap day as the fiteenth day, of the order that is fixed to the sun (fixed dates)

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