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Standard time is the time resulting from synchronizing clocks. With standard time they indicate the same mean time for the length of the day in different geographical locations within a so-called timezone. Before this form of time management was introduced (in Europe by Adolf Hitler!) the meridian was used and that time is called mean local sun time. Standard time for that reason as good as always deviates from the time indicated by a sundial (see also equation of time). This is so because of the three factors of zone time, summer time and mean time. It is based upon the concept of UT, or universal coordinated time. It was introduced in the form of mean time combined with zone time in 1884 in America. This was, in total disregard of local time cultures, considered favorable for the railroads and the post delivery system. Therefore this time which is motivated by economic arguments can also be called political time, the time of the politics of giving corporate interests the priority above the civil interests of religion and (the scienctific respect of) nature. These days this interest still can be recognized in the left-right wing controversy. Later on it also served the ease of the telegraph and the use of the radio and the tv still later which now completely dominates the common mind of time, normal civil time-consciousness, with all its commercial motives. The political saying goes: "He who determines the time has the power". Standard time can be defined as the time settled by the legal rule of government for the sake of pragmatical and economical purposes. Standard time as said consists these days of three different types of time: mean time also called local time; zone time, and summer/winter time. Thus standard time deviates from solar time with an equation consisting of three unknowns. Since the three are subjected to political decision making and arbitrariness of zonetime borders following border lines, standard time cannot be considered scientifically valid. It cannot be exacly predicted delivered as it is to the whim of (inter)national governance. Thus standard time can also be characterized as an ignorant form of time or as a time motivated by ulterior motives and must factually be discarded as something suitable for a reliable, stable and democratic societal order or for legal settlements. Finally standard time in its pragmatical motivation for money can be considered materialistically corrupt in suggesting that the means would be the end.


  • Einstein decried the oneness and absolute of time as being something perceptible and measurable. Thus from a scientific point of view standard time with its "unifying" timezones and denial of the scientific tables of the equation of time is a scientific heresy. Time according to Einstein should be considered dependent on the frame of observation of the observer moving in time in regard of a certain geographical position. Thus are time zones, summer time and mean time in their denial of local time differences and their inductive oneness scientifically invalid. It is not scientific to throw time tables in the dust bin. On top of that the dutch physicist Hendrik Lorenz, the father of the relativity theory that was later adopted by the younger Einstein said, "All clocks should be set to the ether." By this he referred to the necessity of clinging to the timing defined by sundials, because that time is settled by nature's laws.
  • Standard time separates time from place and is thus disturbing the healthy functioning of the human brain which in its lateralization constantly compares the locality (right hemisphere - the parallel function) with the time (left hemisphere - the linear funtion) for orientation in time and space. This orientation is fundamental to one's mental health and is used as a criterion for determining one's mental health in psychiatric investigtions.
  • Recent research findings in the fall of fall 2007 stated: "World wide millions of people experience twice a year a moderate 'jet lag' because of our culturally determined summer time. Research at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands and the University of Ludwig Maximilian in Munich, Germany, proves that changing the times of the clock considerably influences our rhythm of sleep. Summertime has long lasting and severe consequences for the biological clock of human beings."
  • Standardtime creates a difference between natural time and cultural time. As the picture to the right says: one is restless, rebellious, beligerent and abitrary with the fix of standard time instead of being fixed on and psychologically stable with the course of natural change. This difference is not constant but varies by summertime measures, one's geographical position in a time zone and the equation of time. Thus may individually and collectively be spoken of an instability of time awareness defined by the variability of the difference between natural and cultural time. This instability of time awareness is also called psychological time and is suspect of being fundamental to a neurosis of culture: a psychologically painful experience of the conflict between the two authorities of time which remains unresolved in one's instinctual awareness of time which neurologically responds to the changes of the daylight and desires to be unitary or free from conflict. People respond differently to psychological time: some develop severe psychosis while others suffer more mild neurotic symptoms of anxiety and uncertainty, projection and denial. Others simply become anti-social and rebellious in resentment of being manipulated by political systems and ulterior motives of power and profit. Modern times are thus often called difficult times. Nature and feeling natural with one's time is not a given fact anymore by it. Any attempt to defend and explain with reason and logic the existence of standard time inevitable ends in the madness of political opposites and modern warfare because the scientific reason of natural aligning in the case of standard time has been exchanged for the unreason of conflicting pragmatical, ulterior motives like money and power.
  • There is a correlation between modern warfare and the difference defined by standardtime relative to natural time. Wars tend to lead to or follow collective time measures. The first world war precipitated summertime measures. Hitler introduced zone time in Europe, a measure which was an integral part of his plan of world domination. The Vietnam war was associated with a reintroduction of summertime, which was abolished after the second wold war. The russian and chinese revolutions coincided with the introduction of standard time in its diverse forms. The east and west of a timezone like in India e.g. seem to give rise to more political unrest as the central region of the zone. Fundamentalist Muslims and Muslims in general have another consciousness of time with their prayer times. The war against terror is also a war against prayer times. Definite conclusions on the causal connection are difficult because it is immoral to experiment with fundamental matters as time schedules. As it seems to be mankind is easily led away from natural time lacking in principles while the return to the old practice requires a firm conviction which is far more difficult to agree upon in politics because of its philosophical and theological connotations. Thus one may speak of a social effect of natural entropy in time systems and their associated cultures. Cultures rise and fall with them. "A new emperor a new calendar" is the historical fact of the chinese changes of rule.
  • The legal issue is in conflict theoretically. Freedom of religion as a human right is at odds with legal settlements of time which deny the citizen this right. This disqualifies the judicial system which adheres to standard time legal settlements as being systematic and valid. Time schedules are fundamental to the labor force, to religions and to one's psychological well-being. Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. Artcile 28 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practise, worship and observance.Artcile 18 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In legal terms we may speak thus of a schizoid world order, a world with a split mind on the practice of legal settlements and confessed principles of human rights.
  • Zone time in the west of China leads to civil disobedience. Farmers refuse to follow the dictates of the Chinese government which decrees the same time over a region which in America would be covered by at least four time zones. The farmers follow their own idea of local timing to the sun.
  • Theologically standard time is heresy against the wisdom of many original preachers, lordships and prophets. Traditional lore usually stresses the measuring of time in reference to the sun and moon because nature is the most evident proof of the will of God, the Creator. Mohammed said one should regard time in reference to the pure sun and moon, so Islam with standard time is also civil Muslim heresy being at odds with the prayer time dictate. Muslims as civilians subject to standard time are not followers of Mohammed but more people envious with Mohammed and God or Allah. That explains many of their internal and international conflicts. Jesus in the Lord's prayer said to respect the will of the father on earth as it is in heaven. We may understand standard time not to be that father, but more the heretical or prodigal son. Christianity as such has an Oedipus complex with father Time, it goes blind in denial of natural timing being possesive and materialistic about mother earth. Hinduism always stressed the identity of the Lord as being time itself, the time of the sun and moon. In the Bhagavad Gîtâ Krishna says He is the time, the light of the sun and the moon. In the Bhâgavata Purâna there are many verses referring to the natural order and authority of time. Time is the impersonal aspect of God in that view. Thus Hindus following standard time go straight against the will of Krishna, their most important avatâra. This kind of heresy one finds in practically all religions which says something about the traditional religions in general and explains very well why they often in international politics behave like the kettle that blames the pot for being black.

See also


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