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Materialism is the philosophy reducing everything to material, quantifiable units. Materialism is characterized by a certain morality which simply amounts to the preference for animal values of the 'I' and 'mine' of the primary eating, mating, sleeping and fighting, in which fighting stands for the competitively being obsessed with sex, money and power as the goals in life one dreams of as the bringers of happiness and freedom. This type of thinking opposes idealism which seeks its happiness more in servicing the spiritual ideals of knowledge, togetherness, and consciousness, enlightenment, evolution emancipation, implying a metaphysical, spiritual or dreamt reality next to the existing imperfect material world of matter, on the basis of the more classical, philosophical and theological, divine values and purposes of man as the highlight of evolution. Those values can filognostically be described as the human ones of the duties to share, care, be honest and faithful as the preconditions for a satisfying human society. In filognosy are both the views of idealism and materialism the inevitable flip-sides of concept of a multiple causality which, with a lack of discipline in the management of time and the association, not only materially (to the form) and ideally (to the norm or the nature) may be found in opposition, but also personally (substantive) and impersonally (to the doer) opposing politically being conflictive can go awry. The basis for the filognostical intergation of the the causal mind id with the Greek found with Aristotle and with the Indians with Vyâsadeva. Multiple causality is also known to have a disease-model: a criminal (a psychopath, sociopath of sex-delinquent) is a freaked-out materialist, a lunatic of schizophrenic person is a freaked-out idealist, a freaked out impersonalist is a compulsory neurotic with a private religion and a freaked-out personalist is a phobic person or one suffering and anxiety-neurosis who suspicious with his respect gone for his normal fellow man trusts no one and tends to addictions. Freaking out is the consequence of having lost control when the compensations in the one-sidedness of the discipline fail. Ignorance, a lack of knowledge concerning penance e.g., is the fundamental cause of human suffering, and to serve the purpose of filognosy, the love for knowledge is the cure - the way collectively as good as everybody more or less already does, be it not all too conscious, by means of the social security system and the U.N. e.g., being obliged by law in respect of the human rights.

With as its antonym the term transcendentalism or idealism, is materialism the mental affliction of confusing purpose and means. Sex, money, being social and religious, are no purposes but only means to arrive at progeny, goods & services, love, meditation, a sober sense, enlightenment, liberation, contemplation and welfare. To be liberated in service of the integrity of these ideals, viz. the Supreme Personality of God, is the personal purpose, freedom from illusion is the scientific purpose and enlightenment with love for the regulative principles is the spiritual purpose. As a disease, or deranged state of being, is the affliction , next to the three before mentioned types of mental disease based on a failing type of logic in the case of idealism, personalism and impersonalism, described in four syndromes according one's failing in the regulative principles of truth, purity, penance and compassion, which by a normally healthy human being are respected. These syndromes, that one may also consider to be political fixations of a to psychopathology tending attitude of defying the law of time - which keeps everything dynamical -, are described as follows:

  • 1) Relating to the truth: the chronic exhaustion syndrome: from being estranged from the natural order, especially from the dynamics of natural rhythms, spins one away from, as 'the lie rules', the force field of the natural ether and the by evolution genetically fixed conditionings, and is one wearing down in compensations like managers-syndromes in which one is unable to revoke the entropy at the basis, in uncontrollable care-systems which iatrogenically more and more become a problem to themselves and in failing educational systems unable to remedy a failing home situation and a lost generation of youngsters; one also speaks of a cultural neurosis in this context, of a no longer effectively operating culture. The danger, by some felt as a constant threat, of more or less suddenly occurring personal, or else collective decompensations in individual-social, and collective-national and international political en societal chaos, crisis and civil warfare, addiction and suicides, is especially looming with this syndrome.
  • 2) Relating to the purity: the perversion syndrome; because of counter-natural behavior develops one character deviances consisting of justifications and cultivations of weaknesses and compulsive, mechanical and chemical sexual behavior which constitutes a threat to the personal integrity, general health, the intelligence and the stability of long standing relations and faithfulness in marriages; the syndrome makes, apart from sexually transmittable diseases, for selfhood and undermines with impiety the professional and voluntary societal state of general care and common servitude in compassion with ones fellow man.
  • 3) Relating to the penance: the syndrome of economical imbalance; because one with a lack of penance puts the money first as the godhead of liberation, gets one illusioned about the freedom that would result from acquiring and possessing money and/or possessions, including a mentality of competition, gambling and speculation. But from this, one rather arrives at societal inequity, national and international political tensions, a security-policy out of bounds and a poorly functioning economy with unemployment, which is characterized by an excess of passive, privately owned, capital at the one hand and poverty at the other. Also does a lack of penance in this category contribute to chronic diseases as a consequence of the obesity resulting from not fasting and offering, general job-related forms of stress because of one-sided and dreary lifestyles, and hart and vascular diseases because of bad eating habits and a lack of physical exercise at the one hand and a shortage of rest and sleep at the other hand.
  • 4) Relating to compassion: the chronic violence syndrome; because of structural violence beyond necessity against plant and animal life is individually for man the joy of life lost which rises from sharing the planet (or 'paradise') with all living beings; increases in the spirit of predation seeking one's happiness in other matters, the mutual distrust and decreases the compassion, and grows with the need for more living space or territory, the chance of personal derailment, the chance of meaningless violence at home and in the streets, as also the chance of collective conflicts. Furthermore is, at a mondial level demanding too much space for agricultural activities in defiance of free nature, the ecosphere disturbed, increases the desertification, decreases the biodiversity on land and in the seas, and is there thus also an increase of natural disasters.

Materialism can filognostically as a confusion between means and ends also be considered as 1) a lack of balance, or mismatch, between the opulences or forms of fortune of one's welfare at the one hand and the order of life and thought belonging to it at the other, and 2) as a form of corruption in taking the means for an end. One's thinking, out of balance in and corrupt with the fields of action, and the civil virtues, then erodes to an -ism, a one-sided conviction, which, at the cost of others, is bent upon a certain notion of happiness rather demonstrating the deficiency of the conviction in question. Philosophy is in balance if it consists of love for knowledge, but heading for, or driven by, power e.g. degrades it to relativism, the propensity to discard, out of a need to control everything, all absolutes in the way of that control. And so are there thirty forms of corrupted and uncorrupted materialistic imbalance in relation to the six forms of balance that stand for the integrity of the opulences in relation to the six visions of filognosy as a formula The method of the intelligence, is the power of science, in which the analysis of the harmony, is united in the renuciation, so that the fame of the person, is heard of as the riches. (see also opulences and the synopsis).

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