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*To play the game, pick a mode, level or identity, to find your individual mission.

There are 384 missions in the game constituted by the four dimensions of the three modes, the eight levels, and the sixteen identities based on the four forms of status and the four vocations.

Missions: basic info

The purpose of the game is to evolve from mission to mission to make a lifetime.

There are four types of evolution or styles of playing in the game

*slow: according to an identity operator (change mission within 76 days). With this progress one changes identities working ones way step by step throughout one and the same level, mode by mode. This way one does each mission of the game (384 in total)
*moderate: according to the status (change mission within 40 cakra weeks). The same as going slow, but one jumps to a next operator in the next mode of the same or a next level, cutting many missions of another status. This way one covers a quarter of all missions.
*regular: according to vocation (change mission within 40 cakra weeks). Holding on to ones vocation one skips all the other 12 missions to an operator at one level, progressing mode by mode..
*fast: according to the identity (change mission within 40 month's) . Holding on to as well one's status as vocation one skips as much missions as is possible going as fast as one can with only one mission for each mode, three for each level. It takes experience. to make a lifetime of only 24 missions. (Calculated for 80 years of lifespan: 980 months or 3840 cakra-weeks or 29200 solar days. for a full concept of time-management go to tables

Game recommended strategy

  • youngsters: go slow, cling to the identity-operator.
  • adults: 20-60 go moderate or regular, skip either to status or to vocation.
  • Elders: take the fast lane (cling to identity, skip schematic).

Code of conduct

Within the game there are certain rules of engagement which assure an harmonious evolution:

- One may regress: a certain regression is permitted (revert to lower missions, watch the mission numbers ).
- Do not reach too hight: reaching too high: death-mode.
- Complete your level: reaching to a higher level before levelcompletion: death-mode.
- Remeber the rules: reaching for activities against the rules of the Game: death-mode.
- You're free to your style: you can change your type of evolution, or style whenever you want.
- Be normal or fast: it is normal to change identity slow, moderate or regular and it is fast to cling to it.


The three modes or degrees together operate with the missions in different realms of concern.

1) Self operates predominantly on the game itself:

There is first of all with the self the concern of getting acquainted and proficient with the game itself.

2) Ego operates predominantly on The Order of Time: ::Secondly is there being more experienced with the ego mode the concern of the broader outlook at human society at large which implies that one has to brace oneself with an ego to stand firm therein and be confident. For that purpose there is the site at large of The Order of Time offering to the different perspectives of filognosy the different concepts one needs to be conversant with to advance in life. 3) Wisdom operates predominantly on outside services:

Thirdly there is the wisdom wich operates in the realm of knowledge of all great cultures on earth. In this one excercises the greater experience of filognosy to be self-realized in all fields of action, that is to say to be - to the civil virtues - of proper argument, paradigm, analysis, transcendence, respect for the person and explicit in ones political points of view.


- Halting at one mission beyond the advise for the type of evolution can cause serious mental and physical trouble (do not resist evolution).

- Too frequently lusting after death-mode restarting the game from other positions will shorten your lifespan (beware of game-exhaustion).

- Switching your type of evolution can give unexpected results.

- The contents of the missions themselves can change over time as the set-up of the game has to be adapted for proper representation according to time and circumstances (the game is supposed to describe the actual reality, not to prescribe a prefixed notion).


The Order of Time or the Filognostic Association cannot be held responsible for anything unfortunate happening as a consequence of following suggestions from the game. The user must be aware that he is responsible for his own actions at all times maintaining his critical functions.

See also

External link

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